АРЕНДА И ОБСЛУЖИВАНИЕ ТУАЛЕТНЫХ КАБИН В НОВОСИБИРСКЕ вывоз отходов 4 раза в месяц (1 раз в неделю); Помывка 1 раз в месяц. Дополнительные вывоз отходов и помывка по договоренности.
Приколы, Просмотров: 1252669 Добавлено: 25-05-2011, 18:52
Toshibas 3D-TV ohne Brille mit vierfacher HD-Qualit?t (CES 2011)
Приколы, Просмотров: 39569 Добавлено: 25-05-2011, 13:02
Toshiba will das 3D-Erlebnis ohne Brillen in die Wohnzimmer bringen. Das wird teuer, meint FOCUS-Online-Autor Lutz Herkner. Denn hinter der Idee verbirgt sich eine komplizierte und aufw?ndige Technik. http://www.focus.de/digital/videos/toshiba-3-d-fernsehen-ohne-brille_vid_22259.html
Thor | OFFICIAL trailer #1 US (2011) 3D Marvel
Приколы, Просмотров: 1020975 Добавлено: 24-05-2011, 20:00
Trailer Genre: comic / action / fantasyRegie / directed by: Kenneth BranaghDarsteller / cast: Chris Hemsworth , Natalie Portman , Tom Hiddleston , Anthony Hopkins , Rene Russo , Stellan Skarsgard , Jaimie Alexander , Kat Dennings , Ray Stevenson , Josh Dallas , Tadanobu Asano , Idris Elba , Clark Gregg , Colm Feore Kinostart Deutschland: 2011Kinostart USA: May 6th, 2011offizielle Filmsite: http://Verwendung mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Paramount Picturesused with authorization
Mozilla Seabird 3DCross-eyed 3D works for everyone: cross your eyes until the two images overlap then just pay attention to the middle oneRead about the project at http://www.MozillaLabs.com/seabirdDesigned by Billy May: http://www.Billy-May.com
Duke Nukem 3D Episode 1 Level 1A video showcasing the classic game Duke Nukem 3D with the High Resolution Pack (which can be downloaded at this address: http://hrp.duke4.net/HRP is still in the beta-stage, so there are still characters and plenty of textures that need to be remade.This video are showing a big part of the opening level of Episode 1, with the HRP plenty of the world-textures have been replaced with a much more higher-resolution texture as well as all of the weapons/key cards and also the characters have gone from sprites to completely 3D, including Duke Nukem himself. Подробнее
Комментарии (0) Метки: Nukem, characters, still, plenty, video, Episode, higherresolution, worldtextures, texture, replaced, weaponskey, himselfDuke, Level, including, completely, cards, sprites, level, remadeThis, which
Saw 3D | trailer 1A US (2010)
Приколы, Просмотров: 35628 Добавлено: 15-05-2011, 00:46
alternative titles Saw VII / Saw 7Genre: horrorRegie / directed by: Kevin GreutertDarsteller / cast: Tobin Bell , Cary Elwes , Costas Mandylor , Betsy Russell , Sean Patrick Flanery , Gina HoldenKinostart Deutschland: Kinostart USA: Ocotber 29th, 2010offizielle Filmsite: Verwendung mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Kinowelt Filmverleihused with authorization
Avatar 3D Trailer GermanDeutscher Trailer f?r Avatar, in S3D. Kinofassung mit 3:15 min L?nge, echtes S3D, keine 2D-Konvertierung.fullhd with english audio can be downloaded from http://verzend.be/en/file/26322/avatar3d-eng.m2t.html
Топотуха-веселуха Russian dance TopotukhaНародный коллектив ансамбль народного танца Сувенир ДК Химик им. Н.И. Докторова, г. Воскресенск, Московская область Подробнее
Комментарии (0) Метки: Topotukha, Тышецкая, народный, танец, Сувенир, dancesouvenir, Топотуха